Soldier of fortune 1 things
Soldier of fortune 1 things

soldier of fortune 1 things

Now a head shoot may yield a nauseating red spray while a shot to the leg with a large caliber gun may rip the appendage from the torso. All of this is extremely disturbing and extremely intriguing at the same time since this is the first time this type of damage model has been used in a shooter, and it ads an eerie yet sickly-satisfying effect to every landed shot. Not only does GHOUL produce some of the most realistic looking character models out there, but it also incorporates 26 gore zones on the character models to make for the most realistically disgusting ballistic wounds you've ever laid your eyes on. One of the key components of the updated SoF engine is the GHOUL model rendering engine. The designers have only taken the core skeleton of the engine and added their own bits of meat to build one of the most impressive single player shooters I've played in a long time, and from the look of things, will be playing for quite a long time. Soldier of Fortune is built on the Quake II engine, but it's totally unrecognizable in its current form. But even though you don't control the action while the story unfolds, you never really feel taken out of the game since the action flows into and out of these cutscenes so fluidly. Following its cinematic feel, the game keeps the story moving through the use of the aforementioned impressive in-game cutscenes. We covered the backstory in our SoF preview, so I'm not going to go into again here, but needless to say it offers something that most action shooters don't.a plot. Sure, it's a shooter, but SoF also has a story to back the action up. By obtaining this nearly perfect balance Raven has made it so you never get tired of the action, but you never feel drawn out of the intensity of the situations either. SoF combines the perfect blend of scripted sequences and impressive in-game cutscenes between the furious action. It has some of the best pacing that I've ever experienced in a shooter, something I really hadn't really paid that much attention to in previous FPS titles.

soldier of fortune 1 things

Now it's not quite as in-depth as Half-Life, but you do feel as if you're playing the lead role in an action movie, and every aspect from the high-energy soundtrack to the first-class visuals come together to help accomplish that goal.Īnother way the dev team pushed the cinematic feel of SoF lies in the game's tempo. SoF also goes one step further to capture the cinematic spirit of shooters like Half-Life. With fast thrills and big kills, it plays and feels a lot like a pure-action shooter, but the weapon damage is much more akin to realistic shooters such as SWAT 3 and the Rainbow Six series. SoF is a semi-realistic shooter, treading the line between games like Rogue Spear and Quake II.

soldier of fortune 1 things soldier of fortune 1 things

Like Raven says in the intro, "This game is for mature audiences only." But before I go any further with the praise, let me go ahead and say that Soldier of Fortune is NOT for the kids. There's no doubt that SoF is the most horrific, bloodiest, and goriest games I've ever played, and although I'm not into perverse ultra-violence, this game really is a lot of fun.


Creating a game like SoF took a lot of guts (no pun intended.okay, a little pun intended), and the title was so over-the-top that Activision decided to ship two versions of the game: one with full gore and a more "sensitive" edition with no blood or chunks. When I first laid eyes on the ultra-violent Soldier of Fortune (SoF) last spring I thought to myself, "Well, that job in the games industry sure was fun." I couldn't believe that someone was actually creating a shooter that was so realistically brutal, especially in light of the numerous debates over video games and violence that had begun to spring up in reaction to recent youth shootings.

Soldier of fortune 1 things